Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Power of Design

Column Five is a design company that emphasizes the importance of infographics for companies. They design and create infographics, they also help companies in spreading their infographics through social media. They recently created a short video that discussed the power to learn through infographics.  Since halloween is this weekend, I thought it would be appropriate to post their halloween themed infographic.

Red Bull's Stop Motion

I personally am every interested in advertising. When I saw Red Bull's commercial for their 2011 Music Academy World Tour I was blown away. The entire commercial (almost 3 minutes) is done with a mix of 3-D, 2-D, stop motion, illustration, and CG. CG is computer programing language for extremely advanced shading and coding often used in video games. The commercial is aesthetically pleasing and combines many different tastes. Each different style is accompanied by a different style of music, which is the essence of the tour.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Zoom In

Nikon is sponsoring a photography competition.
This isn't your average photo competition however, its a photomicrograph competition. 
These images are most often used in the science fields, however Nikon encourages science photographs to become art. The images are completely captivating. 
I enjoy how everything is zoomed in so close so that the object is something so real, yet looks so abstract.

Reusable Shower Water?

While this idea might seem gross, reusing water that you've just finished showering with, its also environmentally friendly.
The EcoVeo is designed to treat the water and detect if the water cells are dirty or not.
This way you can take a long shower without wasting water or taking water away from someone else waiting for your shower.
The company claims the reused water can even be cleaner than the original water.

Words as Images

Ji Lee  is a designer that has taken a new approach to a not so new idea. Using the graphic elements of words, such as "condom", Lee turned the word into the object it described. The video is made to draw interest into his recently published book "Word as Image".
The style of the video is very clean, and reminds me of the stylings of Apple, which is where Lee's design influence is shown. The music does not compete with the graphics, nor do the words, everything works harmoniously to produce a fantastic end image.

Monday, October 3, 2011

cloudy day?

I happen to particularly love the concept of the cloud. The cloud, which is a giant figurative cloud of everything saved but not on a hard drive or flash drive, anything just saved into the world of the internet is saved into the cloud.
google is one of the biggest companies to entirely utilize all the cloud has to offer.
Personally I have had my contacts from my phone saved at least 7 times simply because my phone is linked to google and my gmail account which stores all of my contacts in the cloud.
Adobe has just announced it will enter the cloud and start to utilize the awesome things it can do.
Adobe also annouced the release of several different tablet apps which transform a tablet into a studio, thus making it possible to work from absolutely anywhere. When I say work, I am mainly speaking to artists, who normally must stay in a room or studio, but with these new tablet apps its able to go anywhere and still produce quality work. Not to mention the commercial was nicely designed.